
AIMC - Project Management

Time limit: 365 days

$179 Enroll

Full course description

Welcome to the course on Project Management for the AIMC Certified Consultant Certification Program. 


The purpose of this course is to provide the project management practitioner with a strong foundation in project management. During this course, an interactive toolkit is provided to assist the practitioner through each phase of the project management process. 



  • Possesses foundational understanding of both the technical and human aspects of organizational change and change management practices and their specific application within the organization they serve
  • Knowledge of how to integrate change management practices and tools into comprehensive project plans
  • Understands fundamentals of developing a case for change and stakeholder alignment
  • Working knowledge of how to diagnose, create solutions and manage change throughout the life cycle of a
  • project


  • Effectively employs a change management methodology and toolset and ensures they are integrated into project plans.
  • Proactively demonstrates the impact/people risks of organizational change and builds and manages plans for reducing this risk.
  • Works with client to build sponsorship of change efforts. Influences executives on business case for changemanagement and informs themon successful change management.
  • Proactively addresses resistance to change.
  • Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability in driving change to improve project and business results.
  • Effectively manages change throughout the project lifecycle – from initial stakeholder analysis through monitoring project results.